Please join us on August 7th for an evening dessert social specifically for homeschooling mamas in the kirker community of Moscow, Idaho! That’s right: leave your kiddos at home, and swing by the Latah Co. Fairgrounds between 7-9pm to be encouraged by other moms in the trenches of homeschooling right here in the Moscow area.

Desserts and drinks will be provided. If you would like to contribute, there will be a jar on the dessert table – $5 per person would go a long way to offset costs, but if you don’t have that in your pocketbook right now, please come anyway. Our goal for the evening is to help remind you that you are not alone in this community, and there are actually quite a lot of us educating our children at home with copious different resources, practices, and skills. Be encouraged!

We will have a panel of selected women from our community to briefly highlight a few resources you might find helpful in your own pursuit of home education. But the real purpose of this evening is connection and fellowship face to face, mom to mom.
(If you have a resource that you would like highlighted, please contact Melissa at [email protected] to discuss the best way to share about it at our Dessert Social.)