Conference Sponsor Information
Are you interested in sponsoring a portion of our upcoming Paideia Northwest conference?! This is the spot to find information about that! Read on, and feel free to contact us if you would like to receive the Sponsor Packet with all this information sent directly to your inbox.
Although having a conference for the specific encouragement of Christian-educating moms/families in the Spokane area had been overdue, this did nothing but strengthen our zeal: enter Paideia Northwest LLC, now putting together an annual conference right here in Spokane to encourage, uplift, & build community among moms who are raising their children in the nurture & admonition of the Lord.
The idea for the event itself came from a hunger to see a Spokane-based conference for the encouragement, community-building, and fellowship-forming of Christian homeschooling moms, Christian day-schooling moms, and Christian moms with public schooled kids in our region. The primary audience for Paideia Northwest will likely be the Classical Christian homeschooling niche, but our desire is to break down barriers and nurture camaraderie across methods, to sharpen iron together, to lift one another up as we each endeavor to raise children for Christ and His Kingdom. Most of the opportunities for this type of event happen over on the west side – Portland, Vancouver, Bellevue… and for a lot of us on this side of the Cascades, taking the time & money to travel that far just isn’t feasible—especially when we are busy educating our children for Christ in the first place. So we stick to our pioneer roots, pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps, to get it done. We fall into individualistic, isolated practices far too easily. While we may have our kids engaged in all kinds of things like speech club, chess club, team sports, music lessons, and weekly co op classes, the need for specific encouragement for the moms (who are in the trenches doing the daily labors of educating the intellects & fattening the souls of their children) remains. This is the gap Paideia Northwest seeks to narrow. Our vision is to provide an annual conference right here in Spokane (with the possibility of branching out eventually) which would highlight speakers, vendors, companies, and products with roots right here in the northwest region of our country—but also beyond, showcasing things that people around here love to use regardless of whether they are homegrown or not.
Our second annual event on Saturday, November 9th, 2019 will feature keynote speaker Andrew Pudewa, along with supporting speakers Mystie Winckler, Jason Farley, Missy Andrews, and ND Wilson. Our theme this year is Living Stories, how we use stories in raising children & creating culture, and how we see ourselves & our children as characters in God’s story. Registration is now open. Each of the five conference sessions on 11.9.19 will be 45 minutes in length, with a minimum of 15 minute breaks between, and a 90 minute catered luncheon – finally, the day will wrap up wi0th a 60 minute roundtable Q&A session. The conference itself will run 9am – 5pm, but we would like vendors open by 8:30 and to remain open until 5:30. Additionally, we are able to offer two optional special events at 7pm on November 7th & 8th! These will each be a 90 minute session, followed by fellowship. Our current projection estimate is for 250+ attendees this year, but we will have a better idea of numbers once registration has continued for a while.
Costs for the event will include speaker fees, speaker lodging & food stipends, event location, event insurance, catering, janitorial service, printed materials, website domain and development, and PayPal fees, which leads us seeking to partner with a small number of Generous Sponsors to help offset the cost—especially because many of these things need to be paid for upfront before we have access to ticket registration funds.
We have multiple sponsorship levels to share with you, each with an increasing amount of exposure (on social media, in print at the event, and from the podium at the conference itself) for your company or family, if you wish it—although we are also happy to take anonymous sponsorships, if you prefer.
Would you be interested in partnering with us to prayerfully and financially support the work of Paideia Northwest LLC in this way?
While all applications for sponsorships are subject to approval from Paideia Northwest LLC, and we will contact you after your application is approved to make further arrangements, we are eager to open our hands to whatever gift the Lord has put upon your heart to share with us, to extend toward this group of women in our region. (If you are sponsoring through a company, we are seeking to keep things on a Christian/education/parenting emphasis, with missions in line with biblical principles.)
Beyond financial needs, we would love to have you partner with us in prayer for all the many details that are required to bring together this event.
Thank you for considering partnering with us in this endeavor for the furthering of God’s Kingdom!
Sponsorship Opportunities
We have five sponsorship levels to share with you, each with an increasing amount of exposure (on social media, in print at the event, and from the podium at the conference itself) for your company or family:
Daisy • (six available) • If your company/family would donate $100 to Paideia Northwest for this event, we will be able to provide a goodie for the swag bags to bring joy to these hardworking mamas raising children for Christ.
Tulip • (four available) • If your company/family would donate $200 to Paideia Northwest for this event, you will sponsor gift tickets to six women who would otherwise not be able to attend.
Iris • (one available) • If your company/family would donate $300 to Paideia Northwest for this event, you will provide a sound technician for the event, to amplify the sessions as well as record them, for distribution after the event to those unable to attend Living Stories on November 9th, 2019.
Peony • (one available) • If your company/family would donate $400 to Paideia Northwest for this event, you will be sponsoring our coffee & snacks table to lift the bodies & hearts of these hardworking mamas raising children for Christ as they listen to sessions which challenge them to courage in their daily tasks; we will include a poster on the table giving thanks for your sponsorship & honor your contribution from the podium, as well as gladly have a stack of your business cards available on the coffee table or included in the swag bags (per your choice). We will also highlight our thanks for your sponsorship on social media. (Spoken for!)
Custom • (unlimited availability) • If you would like to tailor your sponsorship, or sponsor anonymously, we will happily discuss options with you.
And YES, if you would like to sponsor more than one area, you are welcome to combine options to suit your heart’s desires.
Sponsorship Market Opportunities
Each attendee will receive a journal at registration.
You may apply to purchase an ad for your company in the conference journal as a form of sponsorship.
Fees & Details for Journal Ads:
- $25 (half page ad)
4.5 in. [wide] x 3 in. [high]
NO BLEEDS, NO CROP MARKS. COLOR CMYK and/or grayscale files are acceptable
All resolutions should be 300 dpi
Final art 20 MB max - $50 (full page ad)
4.5 in. [wide] x 7.5 in. [high]
NO BLEEDS, NO CROP MARKS. COLOR CMYK and/or grayscale files are acceptable
All resolutions should be 300 dpi
Final art 20 MB max
All ads must be sent to Melissa at [email protected] by October 25th, 2019 to be included in the conference journal. Each ad will be subject to approval.
Visit this link to apply for these various sponsorship opportunities
The link will go live on Monday, August 26th, 2019, and all applications must be submitted by Friday, October 25th, 2019