Looking Back at W3
I noticed recently that I was writing W3 in some of my notes as shorthand for Wonder, Wisdom, Worship… and since I’ve had friends attend a conference called G3 (standing for Gospel, Grace, and Glory), I guess I’ll allow myself to use the nickname now and then. 🙂 At any rate, it’s hard to believe that it has already been three weeks since the Paideia Northwest conference, and yet here I am just now getting the recordings uploaded and shared, and tomorrow I plan to actually go into the basement to reorganize and store all of the conference supplies. There are some pretty wilted mums, sunflowers, and roses down there somewhere. Ha!
This is on the heels of Thanksgiving and on the cusp of Advent, as well as in the midst of a couple family birthdays (two have already passed, with one more coming on Monday). It’s a busy, festive time! And I am so grateful for the recurring opportunities to put my hands to use for His Kingdom. Children to educate, people to feed & clothe, a home to clean & keep, errands to run, hospitality to pursue, worship to prioritize, co op to direct, gifts to buy & wrap & send, a husband to love. There really are wonders all around. I really do fall on my knees begging the Lord to increase my knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. I really can’t help but worship the King who created and maintains all these things.
I’d love to know what stood out to you from the sessions at Wonder, Wisdom, Worship. What things have you been mulling over since that weekend? What snippets pop into your head and make you smile? What new practices have you tried that were inspired by Pam, Heather, or Mystie? What were your favorite vendors, and did you bring home anything particularly special?
I’ll pop some pictures in here of some of my favorite moments from that day. Including, perhaps, one that Heather took of me in the pitch darkness of our AirBnb that morning when we were trying to figure out what to do without power, thanks to the storm in the wee hours. Smiling mamas and passionate speakers, festive decorations and cheerful vendors… hugging more ladies than I can count, and gratefully watching volunteers serve and work. For the fifth year in a row, I’m just humbled. By what God does. How He does it. That He lets me participate in it. That I get to enjoy the fruit of it.
If you are interested in finding a way to jump into the work with me next year, feel free to send me an email at [email protected] because I am always looking for ways to encourage and uplift other mamas… and some of you, like me, may feel most encouraged and blessed when you are elbow-deep in the work. Or if you just want to give some feedback or suggest vendors or whatnot… you know where to find me.
In the meantime, peace be with you.