Living & Active handouts
As promised, here are the various handouts that were provided by the 2024 Paideia Northwest speakers. Hopefully they are helpful tools for you!
As promised, here are the various handouts that were provided by the 2024 Paideia Northwest speakers. Hopefully they are helpful tools for you!
The proofs are here! I was sipping something warm and delicious from my brand new 2023 Paideia Northwest mug when I got the final proof of the shirts we are having printed through Swan Graphics. What fun to have these things! Stickers, pens, and more will be showing up in swag bags at the conference…
I am still waiting for official proofs or prototypes so I can show you what this year’s shirts and mugs look like… but I moved from Washington to Idaho recently, and got a little bit set back in my habits & routines. So we’re still waiting on the final edits and versions, but in the…
If you are interested in reading more about paideia, particularly how it relates to Christian education, we recommend the following: Podcasts on Paideia from The ScholĂ© Sisters The Paideia of God by Douglas Wilson Classical Education and the Homeschool by Callihan, Jones, and Wilson On Secular Education by R.L. Dabney Recovering the Lost Tools of…
I noticed recently that I was writing W3 in some of my notes as shorthand for Wonder, Wisdom, Worship… and since I’ve had friends attend a conference called G3 (standing for Gospel, Grace, and Glory), I guess I’ll allow myself to use the nickname now and then. 🙂 At any rate, it’s hard to believe…
I have realized by now, five years into hosting conferences for mamas raising and educating their kids for Christ, that it isn’t until the Sunday before the conference that my brain switches officially into “busy week.” Once it is “this week” instead of “next week” or “next month” or in November. It’s comically similar to…
In this episode of Paideia Conversations, Melissa Cummings from Paideia Northwest is joined by Kristen Kill, lately of Portland, OR to talk about the wonder, wisdom, and worship of poetry. Really, it was just a fun conversation about all things beauty, poetry, and language… we kept chatting, because it felt like there was so much…
I love curating lovely things to bring joy. Like curating a speaker panel that will encourage, exhort, challenge, & uplift all the women attending a Paideia Northwest conference. Also, like curating a small vendor hall with things that will delight, bless, and assist those in attendance or their families. And not least of all, I…
The last of our three main speakers for this year’s Paideia Northwest conference joins us for this conversation, continuing to ponder the themes of wonder, wisdom, and worship. As a photography journalist, homeschooling mama of ten, and recent co-author of the book Gather, Heather Tully is a font of encouragement and grace on these topics!…