Suggested Reading
If you are interested in reading more about paideia, particularly how it relates to Christian education, we recommend the following:
Podcasts on Paideia from The Scholé Sisters
The Paideia of God by Douglas Wilson
Classical Education and the Homeschool by Callihan, Jones, and Wilson
On Secular Education by R.L. Dabney
Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning by Douglas Wilson
What is Paideia? from the Association of Classical Christian Schools
Paideia, Christian from
Virtue is the Purpose of Education by Mystie Winckler
The Paideia Proposal by Mortimer J. Adler
Education Should Aim at God from the University of Notre Dame
Raising Children in the Paideia of the Lord by Erich Heidenreich
A Homeschool Parent’s Musings from Classical Conversations
Homeschool Lifestyle by Mystie Winckler
Education in Life by Mystie Winckler
Paideia in the Principles by Karen Glass
Education is an Atmosphere from Educational Renaissance