Northwest & Southeast
Today was a big day in the Paideia community… in fact, it is the day that Paideia Northwest grew into more than just one isolated group and actually can legitimately claim to be part of a community!
Paideia Southeast, headquartered just north of Atlanta, GA, officially launched today! While this is not a direct ministry of Paideia Northwest, I would definitely say you should consider us like family members ~ sister communities. Founding team leader Heather Tully and I were connected in 2020 due to mutual friends (the Scholé Sisters), and we began to walk together-while-distant through FitBit challenges… and then about eight or nine months ago we started chatting regularly through the voicemail app Voxer. Heather asked if I could mentor her through the idea of starting a Paideia Northwest community in the Southeast! I really could not have been more delighted. While I have felt fairly isolated and like I’ve been shooting from the hip since 2018 when I began Paideia Northwest, it has been invigorating to walk through the process and share my experiences with Heather… and I am so looking forward to gleaning wisdom and artistry from her as time goes on. She is such a dear friend, and just a gift. In just the last two months, I have also been able to chat with Jenn Discher on Voxer as well—the three of us have been discussing educational philosophy, principles of Christian paideia, and reading a book together on Classical Christian education. What a treasure to have the blessing of community and camaraderie even across distance!
But it is face to face fellowship and personal connection that is our real passion—and that is why real life events with flesh and blood community is at the heart of our Paideia pursuits. Perhaps it is no wonder that Heather and I connected thanks to our friends at Scholé Sisters, now that I think about it… because the motto there is that homeschooling is a marathon we need not run alone—find your sisters. And Heather has been exactly that to me. A companion on the homeschooling journey this year, and particularly as we endeavor to lead mamas in our regions to raise their kids in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, cultivating homes and educations for them which point them continually back to Christ, while growing and learning alongside one another. That is our aim and our prayer.
On Thursday, September 2nd, Heather and I will be sharing a slightly more in-depth version of our back stories, current endeavors, and future goals for our Paideia communities on the Instagram Live platform. You can follow us at and to check it out.
And please stay tuned for more information here on what Paideia Northwest hopes to bring to the broader Spokane area (Pacific Northwest/Inland Northwest), and follow for all the upcoming blessings for our sisters in the opposite corner of the country.
Pray for us ~ we are likewise praying for you!